Добавление иконки в список Select2

In Yii2, you can use the Select2 widget to create a dropdown with icons or other custom content. To achieve this, you can customize the `template` option of Select2 to include icons alongside the text.

Here’s an example of how to use Select2 with icons in Yii2:

### Step 1: Install Select2 Widget
If you haven't already installed the Select2 widget, you can install it via Composer:

composer require kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2 "@dev"

### Step 2: Use Select2 with Icons
You can customize the `template` option to include icons. Below is an example of how to do this:

use kartik\select2\Select2;
use yii\helpers\Html;

// Sample data with icons
$data = [
    'fa fa-home' => 'Home',
    'fa fa-user' => 'User',
    'fa fa-envelope' => 'Email',

echo Select2::widget([
    'name' => 'icon-select',
    'data' => $data,
    'options' => ['placeholder' => 'Select an icon...'],
    'pluginOptions' => [
        'templateResult' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('function(icon) {
            if (!icon.id) { return icon.text; }
            return $("<span><i class=\'" + icon.id + "\'></i> " + icon.text + "</span>");
        'templateSelection' => new \yii\web\JsExpression('function(icon) {
            if (!icon.id) { return icon.text; }
            return $("<span><i class=\'" + icon.id + "\'></i> " + icon.text + "</span>");

### Explanation:
1. **`templateResult`**: This option defines how the dropdown items are rendered. Here, we use a JavaScript function to wrap the icon class and text in a `<span>`.
2. **`templateSelection`**: This option defines how the selected item is displayed in the input box. It uses the same logic as `templateResult`.

### Step 3: Include Font Awesome (or any other icon library)
Make sure you include the icon library (e.g., Font Awesome) in your view or layout file:


### Step 4: Customize Further
You can further customize the appearance and behavior of Select2 by exploring its [documentation](https://github.com/kartik-v/yii2-widget-select2).

### Output
This will render a Select2 dropdown where each option has an icon next to the text, like this:
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